Aromas for relaxation
In this note, I would like to share with you the meaning of different essential oils that I like to use for relaxation. I use it a lot in my daily life in aroma lamp. I feel, how all aura of my house became different with a smell of natural essential oils. I feel how change the state and energy of every person, who are at home in thas moment, breathing the air full of essence smell.
You can use it the same way or different, in a bath, for example. All is for good.

lavender - liberate from stress, bring back good rest at night, take off the spasms of the muscles, and liberate from depression and state, when you want to cry.
orange- relieve stress and get rid of frustration, helps restore body vitality and energy.
ilang-ilang- take off the stress, good for the heart and also harmonize the hormonal balance, this is aphrodisiac
geranium- help to solve the problems, which appear in the time of menopause, make better state in pre menstrual syndrome, calm nervous system
Ladan- antidepressive influence, good for relax and calm and body and mind, help to sleep deep and go out of tension.

Bergamot- oil of happiness, help to go out from emotional problems, help to liberate from obsession, worries, good to use inn the massage also.
Mandarin give energy and vigor, helps to relieve irritation and fatigue, used for insomnia.
Menta- good for the psychical health, help to harmonize emotional state, take off depression, good to use after training or physical activity.
Rosa- premenstrual syndrome leads to a hormonal imbalance and this create a certain discomfort for the emotional and mental state. The rose essential oil is very good for solve this problems and harmonize state. It gives to the woman security, calm, and and wake up vitality of the woman
Marjoram- good for the heart, liberate from the stress and help with insomnia. good to use together with lavanda in the warm bath to relax before go to sleep.
Take care of You! And remember- You deserve the best!